Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Staycation: Museums Pt 1

A bit shocking to me, but I have lived here for at least a little while and never ventured out to see all of the amazing museums nearby. Not the least being the Smithsonian museums.

First, there is construction going on currently on the grounds in the National Mall, so be prepared to not get any of those sweeping vistas type photos while you're there. However, that did nothing to dampen our day (the skies kept threatening it though).
The first museum we decided upon was the Natural History museum, which once you stepped inside was beautiful.
It was pretty good from the outside too.
For someone who likes architecture, I really like domes. But I'm not opening that conversation right now. So on to dinosaurs.
 My mom was goofing around with them in the pics (I was too much of a wuss).
But they were so neat, I guess they are planning a larger exhibit, but the current exhibit lead into an exhibit on endangered species, reptiles,
and then my favorite of the day, photography and the American wilderness.
The gentleman has been trying to encourage me to settle on one hobby lately, as I tend to flit from one to the next, and I think I may have found one that I don't just dismiss out of hand.
We then we continued on to other exhibits, and I must say that the minerals and gems were fabulous, super-sparkly.. Lets start with the most photographed.
Yep, the Hope Diamond, which was some serious sparkle (and I'm pretty sure was the only one my mom looked at; she was done with this section well before any of the rest of us).
The gentleman and the dad enjoyed the rest of the exhibit much better than the sparkly area.
 And to be honest, I did too.
 Especially since there are these little plaques placed around that invite you to actually touch the items.
 And the boys found this (Yes the warning sign is there for the rock).
 We all spent a while throwing paperclips at the it and seeing how many we could link (3, end to end was the record set).
 Then I found gold!!
 And the ABCs in diamonds.
A rock that looks like it was made out of the clouds.
And then we ended up at the sparkly room again.
 (the wings on the butterfly are diamonds ^)
 Some sapphires.
 Some historic gems.
And that was about all that my dad and the gentleman could handle, 
(horrible lighting ^)  so we went downstairs to refuel.
Tea is the best refueling!
Also, this was a Saturday and we were told that this was not crowded. I don't know that I believe that. 
but quick as you'd like, it was out through the last exhibit,
With the obligatory photo stop,
Before exiting out the main rotunda again.
I will be back very soon. (More later, got to sort through the other photos that were taken)

So does anyone have any other recommendations on which other museums are must-sees?

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